Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Book Review: A Winter Wonderland by Fern Michaels, etc. (Anthology)

I like Fern Michaels but I will be honest I only read this book because of Leslie Meier.  If you're a fan of Leslie Meier's Lucy Stone series you won't be disappointed. The Christmas thief is short but sweet and well worth the read.  Lucy's daughter Elizabeth gets herself entangled in a mess and Mom Lucy and Miss Tilly come to the rescue.  I love the character of Miss Tilly, in my opinion one of the funniest characters in fiction.  She and Grandma Mazur from the Stephanie Plum series are absolute scene stealers.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Getting all my decorations set up and figuring out which Christmas books to read this month. I'm thinking of reading the new Fern Michaels and Leslie Meier anthology. Leslie Meier is one of my favorites. What are some of your favorite Christmas books?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who has to finish all the books that I am reading by the end of the year. New year equals new books for me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Book review: The Frugalista Files

 Just finished reading the Frugalista Files by Natalie P. McNeal and I highly recommend it. A really insightful and entertaining look into the author life. She makes you feel like anybody can be debt free. 

Dear Blog

Dear Blog, sorry I've neglected you recently.  I promise you that you have been missed and it won't happen again.  Love Cindy

7 Ideas For Storing and Organizing Your Beauty Loot Like a Champ:

7 Ideas For Storing and Organizing Your Beauty Loot Like a Champ: I love these ideas.