Saturday, October 19, 2013

What's new

It's been busy lately with school and everything. I did manage to do a little shopping and will share with you what I got very soon.  I have been reading a lot lately as well. Right now i'm reading Nick Carter's autobiography, 11/22/63  by Stephen King and The end of your life book club.  I am really enjoying all three of them.  I am so glad that the new TV season has started but I am already behind.. The DVR is full lol. I am in love with the new show Reign as well as my old favorites 2 broke girls, Law and Order SVU, criminal minds and about a million others.  What are some of your favorites? There are a lot of new movies out in theaters right now.  I might go see Gravity in 3D.  I heard it was great.  I also am so excited about catching fire.  I already bought my tickets.  I have really gotten back into twitter (@cindymadrid08) and instagram (cindymadrid08) again.  I can't get enough.  What can't you get enough of lately?

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