Friday, January 25, 2013

Beauty Resolutions

1. Take better care of my skin. I need to be more diligent with using toner and applying moisturizer. I have used my favorite Clinque dramatically different moisturizing lotion since I was a teen.

2. Keep my brows in shape.  I hate tweezing but it is a must.  The brows frame the face and must be keep under control.  I am in love with Avon's ergonomic tweezers.  I must have 6 of them.

3. I have a ton of nail polish and I need to use it.  I'm going to change my polish more often.  One of my favorites is Essie's wicked.

4. I love face masks.  Unfortunately I never remember to use them.  I need to get on a regular schedule of using one once a week.  I love the little face mask packets from Montagne Jeunesse passion peel off face mask.

5.  Like using a face mask I need to exfoliate more often.  I have really luxurious body scrub that smells like cucumber melon that I want to try out.  Of course you can't forget St. Ives Apricot Scrub.

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